To: All I.B.P.H. Personnel on site
From: Mildread Sands
Date: 31 Aug 2011
Subject:Meeting Planning update.
Body: The Rabbi has finally got back to me on some of the issues we face but we need to have a in-depth conversation on them. So the meeting is still on. I have a list here of assignments for some of you. I don't what to hear the bitching and moaning. If you have a problem with it; take it up with the boss man. He is the one that waited to the last minute to respond to my emails.
Milo: I know this is short notice but can you please contact who ever it was that you thought would make a good accountant and see if you can get them here for a interview for the job.
Igor: The rabbi has asked that you please look into a computer professional and new Lawyer for the brotherhood. He also want's you to come up with some kind of better class for the magic side of crap. What ever the hell that means.
Kim, Daisy, and Tank: You all get to do the basic training classes. Figure it out what you each want. Someone has to do the gore tube and the ice house classes, I know no one likes them but i could give two shits. There is a class outline some where that Julia and Pitts put together. I have no idea where.
I will see everyone at the meeting and when you get there be ready to get down to buisness.